Saturday, June 11, 2011

Homeless Bird - Gloria Whelan

Title: Homeless Bird

Author: Gloria Whelan


Summary: Married at thirteen to a dying child she has never met, Koly's life begins a seemingly inexorable downward spiral into poverty and isolation. Abandoned in a city of temples and white sari-clad widows, the young girl discovers opportunities and savage crimes, those who would help her and those who would exploit her. It is a story told clearly and without extravagance, somber in the way in which it confronts the difficulties of Koly's life, and yet radiant with hope.

My take: A facinating story of the life of a young India girl, forced into marraige against her will, to help out her family who needs money. A sick husband, a terribly cruel mother-in-law and the loss of her own family are just some of the issues to befall young Koly.